how to use energies to support our lives.

This workshop is for those, who wish to find something new and make changes. The workshop helps you to look at things with more depth, we start from the beginning and move on, and we will see in practise, what we can do with the energies and how everything really manifests. Since there is a constant change in everything, then the energy manifests in a rather bizarre way- through those who know, the independent information vibrates and helps the society function, so that the path of life flows in ease. We can create many changes in other lives as well according to their wishes. Not everybody is a helper or the information mediator, but the more consciousness, the easier to make the influence and the addictions go away.
The fist workshop is meant for everybody, but the II and the III is for those who have already passed the first one.

Those will reach to the workshop, who really need it – the information is invisible to everyone else.

The workshop is in three stages:
I – for everybody, who likes to be independent and without influences
II two days – after passing the I stage and according to the wishes of participants
III – after passing II and III stage (the energetical healing, surgery in astral)

Everyone should use the first stage. Before different meetings, meditations, classes – it is recommended to hold the space in order to keep the people awake, make your words sound clear etc. Hold the space wherever you need : at home, in the cafe, at the meeting, in the class, at meditations… hold it so that there is understanding, not the vice versa.

In the first stage we:

*Create the space. Look and sense, who hold the space for us
*The energy of the hands Influencing other energetic bodies with our own energy
*What can you do in the astral, astral ethics
*Astral journeys
*Getting to know with the astral world, the one that it is natural to yourself
*The nature of energy and the consequence
*Sensing in the astral and the power of nature
*Astral purification
*Astral defence
*Rising frequency

The second stage is not compulsory, but it is to you, if you feel an urge to help and hear the calling.

In the secong stage we:

*Repeating the I stage, questions and answers
*Integrating with the master´s energy
*Look at the creatures and the channels – with eyes opened
*Sending away the spirit creatures
*Supporting the soul
*Meeting with the astral helpers
*Purifing our energy in the astral healing energy

The third stage is not compulsory, but for those, who hear the calling or feel the interest to move energies in a more bigger way.

In the third stage we:

*Repeat the I and II and are increasing the trust that we know and can
*Agreement to surgery
*Different astral healing energies
*Astral surgery – different techniques and reading information
*Co-operation with the astral creatures
*Information that can be implemented for the creatures of Universe (people, animals, homes)
*There are the rooms we need according to the group that can be used for the help of creatures of the Universe.